Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Harper trying to be the Canadian Trump... but it ain't working!

In the past 2 years Harper has fired so many qualified leaders of independent bodies within Canada for unjustified reasons. He ain't no Donald Trump and neither is Canada a TV Show, this is for real! And the list is pretty scary and here's just a few names...
  • Linda Keen, President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, fired in the “dark of night” for embarrassing the government by exercising her mandate to enforce nuclear safety regulations.

  • Adrian Measner, President and CEO of the Canadian Wheat Board, fired for his decision to follow the direction of the CWB’s farmer-elected Board of Directors.

  • Johanne Gélinas
    , Environment Commissioner, fired after publicly commenting to the media about her not receiving sufficient information from the government about its "Made in Canada" environmental plan.

  • Yves Le Bouthillier
    , President of the Law Commission of Canada, fired after all federal government funding for the Commission was eliminated.

  • Allan Amey
    , President of the Canada Emission Reduction Incentives Agency, created to oversee federal compliance with the Kyoto Protocol, fired in 2006 and the agency dismantled.
All these individuals were doing their jobs, and only due to Harper's ideology being different were they unjustly fired. Something has to be done to get Harper his own medicine... from one Canadian to another 'you should be fired!"

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