Monday, September 29, 2008

My Favourite Movies

I love movies. Well good movies. Not sure what I mean check out my IMDB list (as of today there are 91 movies in my list worthy of rankings).

Don't agree with my picks - let me know why or what movies should be added!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

David Eby

Vision Vancouver this past Saturday selected it's council members, parks and school board nominees. I had the fortunate chance to cast my vote and take part in this change movement in Vancouver's municipal politics.

Once the votes were counted, I was utterly shocked that the man I supported and came out in crutches was not on the top 8: David Eby. He's a community organizer and a long time DTES advocate. I couldn't believe he lost. On the bright side he was just 17 votes shy of being selected - which is a monumental task in itself as Vision has 16,000 members.

Check him out at:

Let's hope these results don't discourage him from running again, Vancouver needs this man to be in office.

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