Wednesday, June 29, 2005

To have a Wallmart or not to have one - that is the Question


Ok so for the 100th time, there won't be a Walmart in Vancouver. The city voted pretty strongly against the application put forth by Walmart, despite it being all environmentally sound and all (can you believe the designers actually were mad, and were claiming that this is a disgrace?!). That's a good thing as they saw past the marketing gimic and realized we as Vancouverite's don't want another US led Big Box to come in and reap the hard earn cash of Canadians. And actually for me, its also a good thing personally as I don't have to be tempted by there ghetto priced items - I mean if it was indeed on Marine then I couldn't help myself but moozy on down there and get some ridiculously cheap peanut butter... But thank gawd I don't have to worry about that (as I still have my Superstore). Well that is at least for now; see Walmart still owns the land so it won't surprise me if they yet again try to propose another building option or try for another location. At least I can feel happy that they want our business that badly.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Masalaman = Coconut Posted by Hello

It's hard to be a coconut

Sat Sri Akal, Nasmate, Hello, Bonjour!

Well just thought I would keep my first post simple and to the point. I am of South Asian decent (father from Jammu, mother from Delhi - which makes me supposedly Hindu-Punjabi). Only in the past 3-4 years have a recognized this heritage and have done some soul searching to see what it means. Luckily for my friends and I it has been a rewarding experience as I have been now fully addicted to promoting and selling my South Asian heritage - that includes our culture, food, habits, festivals, weddings, dating/marriage drama, 'flims', religion, politics, people, etc.

However, I have a secret which those of you who know me well know. I am not from India - just a wannabe... that's right I was born and raised in the lil ol town of Winnipeg, Manitoba. My parents, when I was growing up, tried to make me understand my heritage and roots. But of course being a minority and young I didn't want to know my past as I really wanted to learn more about video games, girls and hockey!

As a result I'm a bad mix of both cultures. I mean I know everything about both but I am not both. See when I go out and watch hockey games or go to the pub to drink beers I have so much fun - I feel as if I am Canadian, but I am not fully it feels. Other the other pole, when I go back to back to India or meet fellow South Asians I feel as if I am one of them (in mannerisms, thoughts etc), but I am not fully it feels. This condition I would like to term as a coconut = my outer appearance is not only hairy and brown but also my mannerisms; however, deep down I feel that I am also quite Caucasion.

Well that is the thought I would like to leave with, and hopefully through more soul-searching I can actually become a true South Asian Canadian - instead of a wannabe of both worlds.